Carroll Segrist
Teacher of Spanish
  • Spanish Endorsement - Nebraska Wesleyan University 
  • Teacher Certification - Business Education, Vocational Education - University of Nebraska-Kearney
  • BA - Business Administration - Chadron State College

Favorite Quote:
"Do the best you can until you can do better. Then when you know better do better." Maya Angelou

Carroll Segrist has been a member of the ESU 5 staff since August, 2023. Carroll is a teacher of Spanish who remotely teaches high school students at three schools across the state of Nebraska: Sumner-Eddyville-Miller (S-E-M), Wilber-Clatonia, and Boyd County. Carroll is particularly interested in presenting the Spanish language to students in rural parts of the state, and in making it accessible. Carroll is known for being encouraging and positive with students and co-workers.

When not working, Carroll enjoys reading for pleasure, spending time with family and friends, and writing. Carroll is always eager to increase her subject knowledge and share that knowledge with others.

Input | Strategic | Learner| Intellection | Connectedness