The EKCO Project forms partnership with MetalQuest

Students using equipment
To start off the 2022 school year, the EKCO Project, in partnership with MetalQuest out of Hebron and Thayer Central Community Schools, were fortunate enough to receive a $125,000.00 Developing Youth Talent Initiative grant.

This is a grant through the Governor’s office that specifically targets career and technical education programs for 7th and 8th grade students to help them experience different careers that are available in their community. Purchased with this grant were Fanuc Industrial Robotic Arms, CNC Simulators, and VEX Workcell kits that will allow students to learn more about industrial robotics and experience firsthand the coding that goes into it.


Students using equipment
The Fanuc equipment is identical to what MetalQuest currently uses in their facility.

This gives our students that are interested in industrial robotics a real step up in real world exploration of that career area.   Students have also been taking tours of their factory to see what the robots look like in that industry. To help with getting familiarized with industrial robotics, the students will start off working with the VEX V5 Workcells which are miniature robotic arms designed to work on the fundamentals of robots in the workplace.  Unfortunately supply chain issues have us waiting on the Fanuc equipment but we are hopeful that it will arrive early this semester!

I am so grateful that the ESU had so many specialists to work with my son, because now I know what to do to help my child with autism. The speech pathologist and occupational therapist from the ESU have allowed him to gain more than I ever expected him to. I don’t know what I would have done without them.
The best part of working at ESU 5 is the people I work with!
ESU 5 Staff Member
ESU 5 is a wonderful place to work! My co-workers are helpful, friendly and supportive.
ESU 5 Staff Member