Dr. Brenda McNiff


  • University of Nebraska – Lincoln
    Ed.D.  – Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education
    Specialization in School Law, Policy, Practice and Analysis
    Certification:  Superintendent PreK-12
  • University of Nebraska – Lincoln
    M.Ed.– Special Education
    Certification:  Special Education/Behavior Disorders & Transition Specialist 7-12
  • Northwest Missouri State University
    M.Ed. – Guidance and Counseling
    Certification:  Administration & School Guidance Counselor 7-12
  • University of Nebraska- Lincoln
    B.S. Secondary Education – Social Studies 
    Certification: Social Sciences 7-12

Favorite Quote:
"Education is not preparation for life, Education is life itself." – John Dewey

Dr. Brenda McNiff has been a member of the ESU 5 staff since 2002 at which time she was hired as the transition specialist.  In 2007, Dr. McNiff took on the role of professional development consultant and ILCD (Individual Learning for Children with Disabilities) coordinator; in 2008 she became the assistant director of special education and then the director of special education.  In 2016, she was hired as the Administrator of ESU 5. As an administrator, Dr. McNiff works closely with the 10-member school districts, the ESU 5 board, staff, and the communities ESU 5 serves to promote excellence in educational services and leadership. 

Previous to ESU 5, Brenda worked as a social studies teacher, guidance counselor and principal in Iowa.  When not working, Brenda enjoys time with her husband and two sons, Husker football, painting, and gardening.  

Strategic | Self-Assurance | Relator | Context | Ideation