Bachelor of Science in Education, 7-12 Special Education - University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Jacki Tegtmeier is new to the ESU staff this academic year (2024-2025). Prior to this position she taught at Fairbury for 16 years, and then Diller Odell for 9 years. She will be the instructor at the FIVE Academy. FIVE Academy is the ESU 5 / SCC - Beatrice Transition Program, that offers a variety of practice opportunities for secondary students with disabilities, 18-21. FIVE Academy is appropriate for students leaving 9-12 programming that need continued focus on the areas of:
- Education
- Employment
- Independent Living, if appropriate
All services take place at the host sites of SCC - Beatrice with age appropriate peers. Young adults rotate through multiple job sites, work on academic skills, practice independent living skills and connect with agencies that may continue with them into adult life. FIVE Academy application is open to any student that has completed 9-12 programming and has not graduated with a high school diploma (social graduation may have occurred). Application and interview for students can take place by contacting your home school and Dr. Brenda Tracy at ESU 5.
When not working Jacki enjoys spending time with family and friends, going to the lake, gardening, yardwork, and spending time in her pool. Jacki is married to Scott Tegtmeier, they live in the small town of Lanham, Nebraska. Jacki has two children who are both grown. Tybor Smith, who is 24, and lives in Friend, NE, is engaged to Cori Knapp and getting married in 2026. Tori Smith, is 21, and is a senior at Peru State College.